Getting Started
This course provides a short introduction to iPhora Automate and explains how use iPhora Automate as a typical business user.
Duration: 22 minutes
Number of Lessons: 5
AP101 - Getting Started with iPhora Automate
This lesson describes iPhora Automate and the three modules that comprise iPhora Automate. It also introduces the concepts of Apps and AppBlocks. Topics covered include: logging in, accessing the Home Page, finding workflow documents that need your attention, and opening workflow documents.
Duration: 5 minutes
AP102 - Quick Tour
This lesson provides a tour of the AppPlace user interface and introduces the concept of Places. It explains the differences between organizational Apps, place Apps, and iPhora Apps. Topics covered include accessing your settings, launching Apps, navigating to different Places, and pinning a Place to the Sidebar.
Duration: 3 minutes
AP103 - Using an App
This lesson provides an introduction on using an App. It demonstrates how to launch an App and identifies the different parts of an App: the navigator, the grid, and the form. Topics covered include understanding a grid, opening a document, creating a new document, and filling out a form.
Duration: 5 minutes
AP104 - Using a Process
This lesson explains what a Process is, and how roles are used within a Process. The terms workflow, Submitter role, and Reader role are described. Topics covered include: creating a new workflow, performing actions on a workflow, and viewing workflow History.
Duration: 5 minutes
AP105 - Participating in a Process
This lesson introduces the Performer role and demonstrates how to interact with a workflow when you are the Performer of a step. Topics covers include: receiving and responding to notifications, entering a comment, and performing actions on a workflow step.
Duration: 4 minutes